Monday, April 13, 2015


Please describe the following in your own words in two sentences. (Look them up if you don't know)

Nash equilibrium- The Nash equilibrium has at least two or even more players. None of the people can get more by unilateral change of strategy even if the strategies remain unchanged.

Game theory- is where people deal with competitive situations. The outcome of someone’s choices depend critically on the other persons decisions.

Prisoner dilemma- two or more people might not cooperate in the prison and even if it strikes their interests. It was made by Merrill flood and Melvin Dresher.

I think that this game was alright it was all good if you kept cooperating till like the last round of the game and you could cut throat the computer. I played more than twice to see what it would do and it was a little different but it was like playing a person, because you can keep clicking cooperate and you both would tie up the hole entire game.

Give an example of Game Theory/prisoner dilemma:
In history: wars, trying to create a strategy to defeat the other opponent

In Government: trying to figure out the polls for the president

In economics: trading stocks and make sure it’s the right price

Related to sociology: 

Related to psychology: thinking of a plan

In your everyday life: to eat before a work out.

Tell me your thoughts on the oil pricing activity and the other group activities we did in class. 
It was interesting on how everyone was so competitive and it was fun to have like so we couldn’t see the score and all that. Fun to find out how people like back stabbed us.

On a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being great rate the activities we have done in class with the unit.  What are some things that can be done to improve the overall unit?

10! And nothing really!

Wednesday, March 18, 2015


                The Rorschach Inkblot test was kind of interesting because you have to analyze what you see in the inkblot. Almost everyone will either get the same answer or a completely different answer, but most of the students in my class got the same answers as everyone else. Some of the answers of the Inkblot are classified as either good or bad or sexually. Some of the inkblots were very hard to figure out what you can actually see or if you can’t see something in the inkblots. Inkblots were fun to make but I don’t think that they’re very accurate, saying your mentally challenged or something like that, or if you’re going insane or have dark thoughts, even though the inkblots might look like there is nothing there . The inkblots make a huge difference if you just rotate them. Yet for when people answer to what they see on the inkblots might be weird or give other people ideas then the answers should be kept to themselves. Or if you don’t see anything then the inkblot should be changed a little bit.  I also believe that the Rorschach inkblot is a great way to evaluate people around the world.  

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Unconditioned stimulus: Peyton Manning is a professional football player
Conditioned Stimulus: Nationwide Insurance
Unconditioned Response: famous football player

Conditioned response: he uses this insurance

Thursday, January 22, 2015


                One time during basketball season, I taught someone how to screen her friend’s opponent. I said to them, “You need to go to your friend and set a screen.” She tried, and I told her that her screen was a moving screen and that it is illegal in the game of basketball. Moving screens are fouls in a real game of basketball. I told her that you must run to your opponent whom you want to screen and plant your feet to the floor to protect your chest so you don’t get hurt. Once you set the screen, roll towards the basketball or basket depending on where the ball is. If it’s in bounds, then roll to the basket; if it’s out of bounds, then roll to the ball. After helping, she and she got a lot of practice she finally caught on to it. 

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Thinking About Psychology

What is your favorite word?
What is your least favorite word?
What one thing do you like about your life?
     It’s a challenge and I like a challenge.
What one thing do you not like about your life?
    Sometimes things just get to hard
What profession would you like to attempt?
   PTA- physical therapy assistant
What profession would you never attempt?
    Being a dental assistant
What 3 words describe you?
   Energetic, caring, athletic

My personal reason for studying psychology is that I don’t have a different class I can take instead of taking psychology; however, I think that psychology is a positive thing to study, and it is very interesting to me. I’m looking forward to learning what people think and how they may think differently than others. I also believe that psychology will help me figure out what I want to do with my life. It might even help me find a boyfriend, a best friend or close companion, or a coworker that I can get along with really well; it also may help me with my family because most of people in my family argue a lot about politics, religion, money, and current events, and they are always competing with each other or comparing each other. They get into stupid arguments about a certain person’s job and what they are doing wrong in their job and so on. Overall in this class, I would like to learn more about psychology and how it works. Psychology could focus on things like: why do we dream about certain things? Why would we dream about someone you love or you have a crush on?

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Future of Ebola

                Some of the doctors from the United States went to Africa to help people who have Ebola. And somehow the people in America are getting Ebola. Either someone was being careless or it was an accident. But I think that our country or everywhere in the world should take really good care of this big problem. Anyways, I think that the doctors who were helping the patients who had Ebola should have stayed in Africa until he was completely healthy. But I don’t think he knew he had it until he came to America.

                In our future if we don’t stop transportation from Africa or anywhere where there is Ebola, then the virus of Ebola might get a lot of people sick. But some websites say it’s not very easy to get it, yet the news makes me feel like it’s very is to get it. I feel like it’s easy to get it.  So when Europe got some people who have Ebola then I’m guessing that the whole world will be alert. After a couple of decades I think that more and more countries will get the virus and the whole world could go down in population. You never know!

Opinion on Ebola

                In globalization we were assigned in groups to figure out what to do to get rid of Ebola, or help people who have Ebola. At the beginning, we all had different ideas but some of the ideas I didn’t like.  Even the one idea we all agreed on wasn’t too bad but I do and I don’t like it at the same time. Like there is a lot of different ways to do it but yet you have to get some people to help pay for your idea and make it work. Plus our idea was somewhat inhumane.

                My own idea was kind of like the one we made up but different. It basically involves less people dying. Well we all can try and save as many people who have or will have Ebola. Instead of having someone get treated and if they die have them get cremated, it might work and it might not work to keep Ebola away from getting everyone sick. I don’t get how careless our world is getting about diseases and sickness. Aids are around the whole world and I bet Ebola will get around like that in twenty to thirty years. You never know how our world is going to handle these things. It might get out of hand, and it might not.